Advice on the commercial process and sales pitch

Personalized counseling sessions

The consultancies have the objective of helping you to materialize and put into practice the steps of any of the phases of the commercial process to accelerate the achievement of your results and to help you build an effective speech for any audience.

Advice on business planning

We help you identify the companies that meet the criteria to be customers with high business potential and give them the correct priority to focus the commercial effort effectively.

Advice on prospecting and sales pitch

We help you build the value message or sales pitch that you will use to get business meetings with your potential clients, we hold business meeting simulations, and we help you build the business proposal.

Advice to develop sales pitches, investment pitches, and conferences

We help you build and practice the speech or pitch you will give in front of any audience. Our intervention includes all aspects of communication: message, non-verbal language impact, and presentation design.

Advice on commercial negotiation.

We help you develop a pricing and negotiation strategy that speeds closing sales.

Advice on commercial measurement

We help you to use the KPIs to predict the commercial result with more than 75% accuracy and to parameterize the CRM to obtain the key indicators. We are experts in the Hubspot sales funnel.

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We are the business advisors of the startup’s accelerators.

We work with the most essential accelerators in Latin America, advising Startups that need to boost their business results.