Expert advisers in communication, B2B sales, leadership and productivity.

We transform the skills and processes of companies with methods of neuroscientific communication. We have more than 500 clients worldwide from multinationals to startups.



Sales increase

With our scientific B2B sales methodology, called Smart Sales Process, we have increased company sales from 23% onwards, and we have raised their Win Rate by 55%.​


Communicative effectiveness

With our neuroscientific communication methodology, Smart Communication, we have increased the impact, credibility, and effectiveness of messages. and non-verbal language.


Assertive leadership

With our leadership programs, Smart Leadership, which includes the development of various skills, we have improved leaders perception by 12%, and we have raised productivity by 53%.​

About Us

Experts in B2B sales, neuroscientific communication, leadership and productivity.

We give face-to-face and virtual training, conferences, and consultancy sessions, using neuroscientific findings. We have transformed people´s strategic skills and companies’ sales processes. We position LinkedIn profiles with neuroscientific communication methods.





Our services

Training in B2B sales process

We train people and commercial teams in the B2B sales process, called Smart Sales Process, which has led to raising the Win Rate by 55%, reducing sales cycles by 33%, and increasing the sales pitch effectiveness by more 63%​

Assertive communication

We develop all the aspects of assertive communication: the message, the non-verbal language, and visual presentations. Our training methodology has made it possible to increase the impact, credibility and effectiveness of communication by 93%.

Emotional Intelligence

Our Emotional Intelligence training develops four EI skills: emotions understanding, facial micro-expressions, reading, emotional regulation, and assertive reactions.​

Well-being and productivity

Productivity is the result of people’s welfare state. For this reason, we teach the well-being habits of a human being in its biological and psychological part, and we develop the skills and techniques for a productive life.

Assertive Leadership

We have a training set that build leaders skills to manage teams such as communication and delegation, meaningful leadership, authority and discipline, and time management. ​

Profile positioning on Linkedin

We teach the proper process to position profiles on LinkedIn, and we manage the profiles to increase their credibility, visibility, and strategic contact network to open business or job opportunities.​

What our clients say

We train and advise our clients on their strategic skills in B2B sales, assertive communication, leadership, well-being, and productivity.

“I love that everything they do is supported in neuroscientific findings that allow us to understand our behaivour and take advantage of each ability.”​

Santiago Pinzón​

Vice President of Digital Transformation. ANDI.

“The training and advisory in Smart Sales Process for B2B sales helped us increase our Win Rate from 17% to 53%, optimized our sales cycle, made our compliance more predictable, and helped us improve our value proposition towards clients”
Diego Marín​
General Manager
HGS Heinsohn
“They have an extraordinary assertive communication program, and they perfectly understood the needs and complexity under which each area in our organization operates. They have guided us with practical examples, and have allowed a very positive change in our company”
Diana Bermúdez​
Human Resources Manager.
“Delighted to meet this team for my sales area. They not only gave us the tools to generate more attraction to our clients, but they also gave us self-knowledge tools to work more effectively from the discovery and management of emotions”
Jéssica Sáker​
Commercial Manager
Factor Tek


We train in soft skills and b2b sales, we advise in b2b sales and sales pitch, and we position profiles on LinkedIn. We use neuroscientific communication and develop strategic skills in b2b sales, assertive communication, leadership, well-being, and productivity.

Sales pitch advice helped us redesign our messages and increase effectiveness in meetings with powerful contacts.​
Alejandra Merino​
General Manager
My Zent​
I really liked the process and structure of their sales training. Knowing the process has generated a lot of value for us
Laura Velásquez​
Arkángel AI​
Smart Tap training is very didactic and easy to understand. They taught me what I needed, and it is very viable to apply what I learned.
Carolina Herrera.​
Commercial Manager